We love to hear from our pups new families. Especially when they send pictures. You can see a lot of our little ones as they grow up on our photo gallery page, but its nice to know that our pups are so well loved and appreciated.
Hi Pat & Robbin,
We hope that you had a nice holiday and are preparing for a wonderful 2019! Hopefully our holiday card made it to you also.
I just wanted to take the time to tell you of a compliment that you received. We had to take our Quinn to the vet today to get checked out and since we’re newer to being back in the Pittsburgh area, we have not seen all of the veterinarians at our practice yet. Today, we saw one that we have not had the chance to meet. She immediately commented on how beautiful Quinn is and well mannered. She asked us if we had got Quinn out in Hershey since that’s predominantly where we’ve been for the past 5 years. And we of course said no, that she was from Avella with Yankee Doodles and Poodles. The Dr. right away said that she should have known that she was a Yankee Doodle. She said that all of your doodles are the best looking, best behaved and all around most wonderful temperament. We obviously agreed, haha. Just thought that you would like to know that others, not just your puppies’ families, know how wonderful you are!
Our Quinn is our joy and most precious gift, and we’re forever thankful to you (also Jaxxson and Slinky)!
Happy holidays and happy new year
Jessica and Quinn
We’re pleased to report that Marco (and his handler Christine!) passed his Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog International tests yesterday! Christine and Marco had been working very hard for several months to prepare for the tests – he did a great job and passed with flying colors! Christine is looking forward to taking him to nursing homes, hospitals and other places where patients can benefit from having a furry friend to pet and hang out with.
Mike & Christine Coyne

Hi Pat & Robbin,
On Saturday Lacey and I tested for Therapy Dog International. The dog and handler test is 18 different activities. There were 9 dogs that tested on Saturday and Lacey was the only one that passed. So now she is a credentialed therapy dog.
When we got Lacey that was one of my goals. She is so smart, gentle, and loving. Everywhere I take her, I get stopped by people who want to meet her. The nicest compliment I got was from a woman who said she was a “very polite” dog. We are looking forward to visiting schools and hospitals. Next on the agenda is to test to be a “Pet Friend” at Children’s hospital.
Thanks for such a wonderful dog. We will see you soon – probably in October for a few days of boarding.
Rob & Lacey
I must brag about Skip.
He went to a new kennel last week and the owner just went on and on about what a wonderful dog he is. She said he just “bounces happily” and that once she showed him what to do, he did it. (She was very impressed with how well he walks along side us.)
THEN, he is continuing his obedience training. Last night the trainer went on and on about how “low key” Skip is. (Of course he has his moments of running around but we couldn’t be more pleased with the wonderful companion that he has become.)
He had his check-up (shots, etc.) yesterday and he weighs 71.2 pounds. The vet said he is a perfect weight but no more. (He is getting groomed next week for the reunion so I’m thinking he is carrying a couple of pounds of excess hair.)
When you see a chocolate doodle with the tip of his tail red, white, & blue, you’ll know that’s Skip.
I hope all is well in “doodle-ville”. Take care.
P. S. I hope Mark never has to decide between Skip and me. I would have a hard time finding a new place to live

“Milo remains perfect! He continues to tolerate lots of love from the girls and has grown very loyal to the whole family. He’s been receiving training and has learned to be a very obedient dog and handles the many distractions around him very well. He was fully housebroken in 1 week! He’s quite social and has frequent play dates with pups in the neighborhood… What a great dog! We’d be happy to be a reference if anyone asks
Dan & Lynn
“We are LOVING Jack!!…He is SO good, nice job with his beginning training. We could tell right away he would be a good boy. My groomer loves him too. Jack is totally housetrained and pretty good about not jumping on people. It’s adorable when he gives his big giant paw. I’ll let you know but he’s definitely looking like he’s going past the 50 lb mark. Not quite to his 6 mos. bday and he’s 45 lbs. He’s a hoover! Thanks again
Lisa & family
“Just wanted to shoot you a quick email and let you know that Griffen is AWESOME!!! We love that pooch to no end. He is doing very well with housebreaking and I am pleased to say he pretty much is at this point. He goes to the door when he wants to go outside… I wanted to thank you so much for such a wonderful pup. He has become quite a part of our family already.
“We absolutely love her! She’s a great dog………smart, happy, comical, etc. She’s a giant ball of fluff and energy one minute and calm and loving the next minute! She’s growing like a bad weed……was up to 26 pounds last week. We’re wondering how big her brother “Seymour” is by now! He was much bigger than her when we picked her out.
We couldn’t have made a better selection. Everyone who meets Bella, loves her. Thanks so much for the care and attention that you invest in the breeding. We really appreciate it!
Susan and family
Hello Robbin & Pat!
We wanted to give you an update on our baby girl Piper – she is AWESOME! We love her so much and enjoy every minute with her. She is so sweet and smart and learns so fast. We are amazed at how she wants to please us and be with us (actually physically touching us at all times if possible!) We have had her out in the snow (that’s the only place to be this winter – no grass to be found!) and she really likes playing with the boys in the woods up at our cabin. Piper is growing like a weed, weighing 14.7 lbs last week at her 2nd check up. Her puppy class starts next week at our vet’s office. Should be fun.
Hope you enjoy the pix of Piper and her people. The one of her pulling T-Boone’s tail is priceless! (Does the T stand for tolerant?) We hope to make it to the reunion in June. The place you have booked for it looks fantastic!
Before I sign off, I must tell you again how wonderful you both were from the moment I first contacted you. There are cute puppies all over the place ready to be adopted, but it was your terrific caring attitude that made the difference for us. The fact that you answer questions in a thorough and caring fashion, don’t ship your pups all over creation to make a sale, host a family reunion, showcase past puppies on your website, send pictures of puppies and then adults to show what the coat will look like and all the other examples of great customer service is what sets you apart from all the other breeders we have encountered. We will always highly recommend you to others! (If only you lived on the eastern side of the state!!!)
Thanks again!
Words can not express how great this puppy is! If anyone would like to meet a pup you are welcome to send them our way. I could brag about how sweet and smart she is for days! Of course, we are still training her…but she can sit, shake, lay down, play dead with just hand gestures….she rings a bell to go out,comes when called, gives snuggles and knows our names. She is not even 5 months old yet. We DO spend a lot of time with her, but for a puppy, she is really relaxed and sweet!
I know a couple of people who want a pup like her and I have passed along your info. Thank you for providing us with this beloved family member!
Mary – Fluffernutter’s mom
Hi Pat & Robbin,
All of your new puppies are sooo cute. Tonight we took Romeo to one of his favorite places- shopping at Tanger! We probably don’t walk 10 steps until someone stops us to inquire about and fuss over Romeo. He loves all this attention and being fussed over from young and old. Every time we go there at least two people ask where we got him. And then it’s off to Sarris for more of the same.
Just wanted to share that and thank you again for such a great dog